
Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy System and Clinical Applications

Neuropsychonline is an online website and collection of web apps that are developed for use by clinicians and therapists to assess, diagnose and treat their patients that have cognitive impairment from neurological, psychiatric, substance abuse or injury related problems. Our primary application is a comprehensive cognitive rehabilitation therapy system designed to be implemented and administrated by a therapist. In the in-patient setting and for out-patient office visits the therapy is conducted through the therapist's Neuropsychonline module that allows for therapy prescriptions, chart notes and progress reports. Therapists can have their out-patients enroll for at-home access to the therapy, still under the administration of the therapist, allowing patients to do assigned therapy tasks on a daily basis between face-to-face office appointments.


Membership is by subscription and our therapist subscribers have been psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and special teachers among others.

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