Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy Workshops

for PSSCogRehab, Neuropsychonline and Challenging Our Minds solutions

Having worked, clinically and with our software development, for over 30 years, we feel we have information and techniques to share with you that would facilitate your implementation of a successful cognitive rehabilitation therapy program utilizing our software applications.


Our cognitive rehabilitation therapy program is a complex process that requires regularly scheduled, face-to-face therapy sessions. Our therapy protocol is set up as a combination clinic and homebased, outpatient, computer-assisted rehabilitation program. The patient is seen at our center for 1 one-hour visit each week. During this intensive, interactive session, we evaluate the patient on all therapy exercises prescribed at the last session, troubleshoot cognitive strategies and performance difficulties, re-evaluate our treatment plan and prescribe the therapy exercise assignments for the upcoming week. We discuss compensation skills, strategy development and deployment and how all of what is learned in therapy can be used in daily life activities. Family members are most often included in our sessions.


We provide one or two-day workshops to train other professionals in the use of our PSSCogRehab, Neuropsychonline and Challenging Our Minds therapy programs and the associated face-to-face therapy activities incorporated in our cognitive rehabilitation therapy. To better accommodate people we are now scheduling our workshops on demand. We will do either one-day or two-day workshops (Thursday and Fridays only) for up to five participants. All workshops are conducted at the Neuroscience Center of Indianapolis, Indiana.


Fee - $200.00 per person for one-day and $300.00 for two-day. Lunch is included.

A completion of workshop certificate is awarded.

Call 317-257-9672 for more information or to schedule.

copyright 2014 Psychological Software Services